Archive Search Results
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2. Early Gypsum
Early Gypsum where tents provided original services: hotel, stores, saloon, restaurant. Meals at the Eagle Hotel were 35 cents, a bed was 25 cents. All of these services were located across from the train depot. The location is close to present day Railroad Ave. and Second Street.
[Title supplied from catalog prepared by the Eagle County Historical Society.]
5. Don
Don at Kent, standing next to a velocipede. "The velocipede has one other wheel attached on the other side [not visible]. One would sit on the seat, where the buckets are and hand operate by using the handle. Don most likely was a lineman, maintaining or working on the telegraph line or Western Union line. It is possible he was involved with track maintenance but my first guess would be lineman. Of note is a red flag rolled up next to the handle....