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Archive Search Results

Showing 1 - 14 of 14 , query time: 0.01s
Thumbnail for 'Mine office'
Office of the New Jersey Zinc Company at Gilman, Colorado.
Thumbnail for 'New Jersey Zinc main shaft house'
The main shaft house for the New Jersey Zinc Co. is the tall building at far right. The stacked lumber is for mine stoping. This view is facing north.
Thumbnail for 'Sitting on a car'
MacDonald Knight sitting on a parked car in the snow at Gilman. He's holding a camera and is underneath a sign for Coca-Cola. Front: "sitting on top a parked car" [Gilman]
Thumbnail for 'Hoist house'
Verso: "The head-house or hoist house at the Eagle Mine and Gilman looking East" [Tom Knight's writing] Taken on the main road into Gilman.
Thumbnail for 'Gilman dump'
Verso: "Mom [Sophie Knight] and Clara Clark on Gilman dump" "I can't say Gilman was the cleanest town in the county. There was no county landfill or garbage trucks. The town of Gilman picked up the garbage and hauled it over to a dump site back of the carpenter shop that ran all the way from the top of the mountain down throught the side of the mountain clear to the river below. There was everything dumped over the side of the hill and down the slope....
Thumbnail for 'Surface tram'
Unidentified man [Tom Knight?] standing on the surface tram, looking from Belden toward Gilman.
Thumbnail for 'New Jersey Zinc office'
Front: "Main Office E.Z.;" verso: "Mine office at Gilman, Healy's Grocery to the right" E.Z. noted above was "Empire Zinc Co., formed in 1902 to search for and develop zinc mines in the west. The Eagle mine, operated by the Empire Zinc Division of the New Jersey Zinc Company at Gilman, Colorado, thirty miles west of the Continental Divide, was acquired in 1915." -- The First Hundred Years of the New Jersey Zinc Company, p.29 New Jersey Zinc...
Thumbnail for 'Gilman School'
MacDonald Knight standing in the playground area of the Gilman School. Verso: "Gilman elementary school where Mom [Sophie Knight] and Perlita [Knight Gauthier] taught and BJ [Betty Jo Knight Schmidt] and Don [MacDonald Knight] went. Battle Mtn. behind 1938." Print stamp: Jan. 10 1936.
Thumbnail for 'Headed for the Evening Star'
Verso: "Don headed for Evening Star Mine at Gilman" Behind Don [wearing his head lamp] is a stack of mining timbers.
Thumbnail for 'Surface tram'
Verso: "Tramway from Gilman to Belden. Tom took me down it when I was about 10 and scared me to death." [BJS: Betty Jo Schmidt] "The surface tram on the east side of Gilman was just below the carpenter shop and the surface electric shop. The tram was operated by a hoist just like in the inclines in the mill with bell signals for the hoist man to go up or down with the car. You could ride the tram from Gilman to Belden, or they used it to bring machinery,...
Thumbnail for 'Boarding House'
Verso: "Boarding house in Gilman where Tom [Knight] stayed until we moved up from Canon City. Alan stayed there one summer while he worked to earn money for college."
Thumbnail for 'Gilman School'
Verso: "Gilman school house where we went to school for a month. Later Mom and Perlita taught here -- Betty Jo Schmidt" The Gilman School was in School District 6 in Eagle County, Colorado.
Thumbnail for 'Bachelors' quarters'
An unidentified man standing at the back door of the bachelors' quarters in Gilman. Behind him [follow the arrow] is the Gilman Hospital. Both Alan Knight and Patricia Knight Hoffman were born in that hospital. Front: "Hospital where Trish and Alan were born, Gilman looking north" Verso: "Back door of bachelor house in Gilman"
Thumbnail for 'Digging out'
The stairway leading up from the bachelors' quarters at Gilman. It had to be cleared routinely in the winter.