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Archive Search Results

Showing 81 - 100 of 689 , query time: 0.01s

81. Goodbye

Thumbnail for 'Goodbye'
Poem by Kurt Pattison from the Fall 2008 - Winter 2009 issue of Images

82. Grass

Thumbnail for 'Grass'
Poem by Kurt Pattison from Fall 2008 - Winter 2009 issue of Images
Thumbnail for 'South Fork Texas Creek Gas Seep Area Subsurface Analysis'
The San Juan Basin is the most productive coal bed methane reserve in the United States (EIA, 2007). In the northern part of the San Juan Basin, there are major methane seeps near South Fork Texas Creek, about 20 miles east of Durango, Colorado. One might expect that the highest methane seepage would follow the outcrop of the Cretaceous Fruitland Formation. This seepage has been monitored and mitigated since 1994. The mitigation system appears to...
Thumbnail for 'The Metabolic Costs of Steep Incline Running v. Walking'
Ultra-mountain running (UMR) has seen a significant increase over the past decade. These races often exceed 15% gradients and rely heavily on an individual's metabolic and aerobic expenditure. Thus, the purpose of this study was to examine whether running or walking a 25% grade at a set pace is more metabolically efficient on a treadmill. Eleven trained participants (6 males, 5 females, and ages 18-55) running 20+ miles a week completed three separate...
Thumbnail for 'A Fracture Analysis to Assess the Structural History of the Equity Block at Creede, CO'
The Creede district in central Colorado has a mining history of nearly 150 years. During this time most of the mining has focused on Ag-Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization associated with main-stage Creede mineralization, which happened around 25 Ma in response to hydrothermal circulation on the margin of the 26 Ma Creede caldera. Exploration and mining in the northern part of the district has focused on the Equity fault. This fault represents a major mineralized...
Thumbnail for 'Design and Beyond'
"Upon entering Fort Lewis College, I spent previous semesters knowing I wanted to purse a career of spreading the word and planning events. Through extensive research I found my passion: graphic design. Design is the most powerful form of communication worldwide, a form of communication with the ability to link or change the client and intended audiences' perspective in the simplest way using images, words, graphics, typography, color, and styles....
Thumbnail for 'Tension Releasing Exercises Reduce Perceived Stress in College Students'
Tension Releasing Exercises (TRE) activate natural muscular vibration to release tension and activate the parasympathetic relaxation response (Berceli, 2013). The purpose of this study was to determine if TRE affected perceived stress in college students. Participants were recruited from Fort Lewis College. Stress was measured using the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) and Measure of Current Status Part A (MOCS), administered at the beginning and end...
Thumbnail for 'Homo in Quaestio: Discussion of the Taxonomic Placement of the Dmanisi Hominins'
With the discovery of the five nearly complete hominin crania at the Dmanisi site in the Republic of Georgia, the discoverers have caused some controversy by aligning them with the middle Pleistocene Homo erectus based on facial and cranial morphology. This classification is used to imply that both H. habilis and H. erectus belong as a single highly variable species; a classification which ignores the presence of important primitive characteristics...
Thumbnail for 'An Examination of Ferric Iron and Nitrate Reduction Activity in Acidobacterium Capsulatum '
Acidobacterium capsulatum is an acidophilic, heterotrophic, aerobe ubiquitous to soils and aquatic environments throughout the world. It is capable of growing on glucose as its sole carbon source. Comparative studies of Acidobacteria genomes suggests A. capsulatum may be capable of reducing Fe(III) and nitrite, while other Acidobacteria may be able to reduce nitrate. Additional in situ studies showed iron reduction capabilities in Acidobacteria is...
Thumbnail for 'Kinematic Compatibility Analysis of the Ouray Fault, Southwestern Colorado '
"The Ouray fault is one of the best exposed structures in southwestern Colorado. The fault has controlled geomorphic expression and drainage evolution around the town of Ouray. Although the fault has been described in publications for over half a century, no previous research documents strike-slip or curved slickenlines. There has been speculation regarding the timing of movement, and there has not been any detailed study of the fault's kinematics....
Thumbnail for 'The Psychology of Technology on Childhood Development: Reconnecting to Nature With Walkable Urbanism '
Over the past two decades, the presence of many forms of technology in children's lives is increasing while time spent in natural environments is simultaneously decreasing. Overexposure to technology is resulting in negative effects towards children's physical and psychological development. More of the time children spend is indoors, and away from nature due to homework, television screens, and parental anxiety about the potential threats of strangers....
Thumbnail for 'Determination of the Secondary RNA Structure and Its Importance to the HTLV-1 Pro-Pol Frameshift Site '
Ribonucleic acids (RNAs) are a group of macromolecules that encode genetic information. Primary RNA structures can fold into various complex secondary structures, which are important for numerous cellular functions. Many single-stranded RNAs serve as the genetic material for several viruses, such as the Human T-Cell Lymphotrophic Virus Type I (HTLV-1). Five to ten percent of the time, HTLV-1 infections result in leukemia. HTLV-1 is a retrovirus that...
Thumbnail for 'Textiles, Natural Dyes, and Sustainability'
Until the mid-19th century textile colors came from plants, insects and sea life. In 1856 William Perkins, a teenage English chemist, accidentally discovered a purple synthetic dye he called mauve. This discovery led to an explosion of synthetically produced colors. Today we know about the detrimental impact to our ecological systems from textile processes. For example, an article in Tech Science states: "The wastewater from textile plants...
Thumbnail for 'Characterization of a Novel Fungal Species Found on Resident Bats in Colorado: Is Pseudogymnoascus Destructans Here?  '
White nose syndrome has caused the death of millions of bats throughout the eastern United States. Since the 2006 discovery of Psuedogymnoascus destructans (P. destructans) in New York, the psychrophilic fungus has been observed as far west as Oklahoma. With bat populations seeing 70% decrease in numbers after being infected with P. destructans, we sampled bats from around Crestone, Colorado in order to determine if P. destructans was affecting local...
Thumbnail for 'The Effects of Impulsivity on Gun and Substance Use'
Prior research examined the correlation between impulsivity, gun and substance usage. These studies isolated two variables at a time, while there was limited research that analyzed all three of these factors. It is widely debated whether substance usage increases aggression, thus making individuals more likely to commit gun crime, or individuals commit crimes with guns in order to uphold their drug habits (Williams-Reid, 2001). Impulsivity increased...
Thumbnail for 'Ecological Niche Modeling of the Genus Ostrya (Betulaceae): Past, Present, and Future Range Projections in the American Southwest and Northern Latin America'
Ostrya is a genus of generally small understory tree which exhibits a widespread distribution throughout the Arcto-Tertiary region. In North America, the distribution of Ostrya is ubiquitous throughout the extensive deciduous forest of the east. To the west, Ostrya exhibits a highly disjunct distribution throughout the desert southwest, western Texas, and northern Mexico. The genus continues its range south through the discontinuous high elevation...
Thumbnail for 'College Athletes' Perceptions of Care Quality Based on Gender/Race'
The purpose of this study was to add to the body of literature about perceptions of care quality in athletic training through the lens of race and gender, given that both are prominent issues in general health care. We hoped to see how gender and race match/non-match relationships between collegiate athletes and Athletic Trainers affect their perceptions related to quality of care. Methods: We sent out a survey designed to assess athletes' perception...
Thumbnail for 'Little Rags of Thought'
Poem by John Landon from Fall 2012 - Winter 2013 issue of Images.
Thumbnail for 'Red Fury'
Poem by Carmen Bredeson from Fall 2012 - Winter 2013 issue of Images.

100. Language

Thumbnail for 'Language'
Poem by Mareesa Villair from Fall 2012 - Winter 2013 issue of Images.