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Archive Search Results

Showing 1 - 20 of 32 , query time: 0.01s
Thumbnail for 'Road to Holy Cross City'
The County "cat" being used by an unidentified man to build the road to Holy Cross City. He is moving timber and rocks to open the roadway. There are two dates listed, 1939 and 1940 Verso: "Holy Cross City Road 1940, County cat working at army log road;" on duplicate photo: "Say a 'cat' can't do it" "County cat building road to Holy Cross City 1939"
Thumbnail for 'Burro train'
Verso: "burro train on Missouri Pass 1939"
Thumbnail for 'Gold Bug mine and arrastra'
The arrastra has been used since the Phoenicians to grind ores, most often gold or silver. The construction involves a circular pit paved with flat stones. Large flat-bottomed drag stones are connected to a center post by a long arm. Using horse, mule or human power, the arm drags the large stones over the ore, crushing it. This arrastra at the Gold Bug Mine was powered by a waterwheel, clearly evident in the photograph. It is a cheap but effective...
Thumbnail for 'Near Holy Cross City'
Scenic view near Holy Cross City, Colorado, approximately twelve miles from Red Cliff. Holy Cross City and Gold Park were the major mining camps in the Holy Cross Mining District. There were two mills in the area to service the mines.
Thumbnail for 'Mill at Holy Cross City'
Gold Park and Holy Cross City were the major mining camps in the Holy Cross Mining District. Man with shovel at center foreground. "Apparently, there were two mills at Holy Cross City. The first, located just below the town, on the west side of the road, was called simply the Holy Cross Mill. It was owned by the Gold Park Mining and Milling Co. which also maintained a similar installation down below. ... Both mills were connected by a direct 2...
Thumbnail for 'Pack string and Pete Mann'
"Packstring with Pete Mann on Missouri Pass"
Thumbnail for 'Mt. of the Holy Cross ridge'
"When placer gold was found in the banks of Homestake Creek, history repeated itself with a rush of people seeking quick wealth from precious metals. Although the Mount of the Holy Cross was some distance away from those points where gold had been discovered, it was still the best know, and the closest landmark of any consequence and, therefore, its name was adopted. The Holy Cross Mining District became a reality in 1880. Most Colorado mining...
Thumbnail for 'Lumber on Fancy Pass'
MacDonald Knight standing on abandoned lumber on Francy Pass. The lumber was intended for the Gold Bug Mine gold mill building. When the bottom dropped out of mining in the area, supplies and equipment were abandoned in place. Front: "lumber on Fancy Pass;" verso: "lumber was for Gold Bug gold mill building. Don in picture."
Thumbnail for 'Road to Holy Cross City'
Unidentified man standing next to the road being constructed to Holy Cross City. The County "cat" is leveling the roadbed. Verso: "Don't know the man but cat working building Army log road"
Thumbnail for 'Treasure Vault Mill'
Standing at the Treasure Vault Mill, looking downstream at Cross Creek. Front: "Cross Creek from Treasure Vault;" verso: "Treasure Vault Mill looking down stream"
Thumbnail for 'Mill at Holy Cross City'
Gold Park and Holy Cross City were the major mining camps in the Holy Cross Mining District. "Apparently, there were two mills at Holy Cross City. The first, located just below the town, on the west side of the road, was called simply the Holy Cross Mill. It was owned by the Gold Park Mining and Milling Co. which also maintained a similar installation down below. ... Both mills were connected by a direct 2 1/2 mile long flume that bypassed the...
Thumbnail for 'Stamp Mill'
Verso: "Upper Cross Creek stamp mill 1939"
Thumbnail for 'Knight, Stoner and burros'
MacDonald Knight on left with Harold Stoner and pack burros. This was the first prospecting trip in 1939. Knight taught school during the year and had his summers free to prospect. Front: "1st trip in '39 Gold Park, Don, Stoner"
Thumbnail for 'Pete Mann and pack string'
Verso: "Pete Mann who ran the pack string 12 miles from the Glengary mine to Gold Park; 22 tons packed out summer 1939"
Thumbnail for 'Glengarry Mine site'
The Glengarry Mine site at 11,414 ft., Holy Cross Mining District. Middle Mountain has an elevation of 12,336 feet. From the Eagle County Assessment Roll 1891-92 p.8: "Glengary #4354, 5.166 acres, value $60; Hidden Treasure #4353, 4.596 acres, value $50." From the Eagle County Assessment Roll 1922. Transit Gold Mining Co. [Red Cliff School District 1 Holy Cross Mines] owned Glengary, Hidden Treasure and the Transit mines. Glengary was valued at...
Thumbnail for 'Burro and friends'
Verso: "Burro and friends at Holy Cross City '30's"
Thumbnail for 'Gold Rush of 1941'
MacDonald Knight and friends, prospecting in Gold Park. Front" "H.C.City gold rush '41;" Verso: "shot in Gold Park"
Thumbnail for 'Sophie Knight'
Actor Janice Tonz portraying Sophie Knight, wife of Thomas Knight, both prospectors in the Holy Cross Mining District.

19. Mill

Thumbnail for 'Mill'
The mill building at Holy Cross City. Gold Park and Holy Cross City were the major mining camps in the Holy Cross Mining District. "Apparently, there were two mills at Holy Cross City. The first, located just below the town, on the west side of the road, was called simply the Holy Cross Mill. It was owned by the Gold Park Mining and Milling Co. which also maintained a similar installation down below. ... Both mills were connected by a direct 2...
Thumbnail for 'Pete Mann with burro string'
Pete Mann using burros to pack ore out of the Glengarry Mine [standardized spelling from GNIS]. The Glengarry Mine (Holy Cross Mining District) is .76 mile from Holy Cross City and at an elevation of 11,414 ft. The mining season was short at this elevation. Verso: "Pete Mann with Burro string packing ore from Glengary mine, Summer 1940, Missouri Pass Summit"